Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dolce and Gabbanas Fingerprint

Dolce and Gabbanas Fingerprint Dolce and Gabbana’s market section entails customers above the age of twenty-five coming from a stable and preferably strong financial background (Vivanco 15). Dolce and Gabbana’s target market is the top and wealthy class of societies from across the globe interested in stylish, classy, and fashionable commodities. Dolce and Gabbana’s positioning involves stylish, contemporary, distinctive, and creative luxuries with class.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Dolce and Gabbana’s Fingerprint specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The luxury cursor as applied to Dolce and Gabbana Social motion pictures are a more popular strategy amongst luxury organizations today than they have ever been. However, it might be hard to steer transactions solely based on social motion pictures (Vivanco 40). In addition, contributing an economic option to a YouTube channel is a simple method of bringing customers to a w ebsite and purchase apparel and accessories that they recently viewed in the social video. This is Dolce and Gabbana’s luxury cursor (Vivanco 41). Dolce and Gabbana branded a YouTube channel that permits a video-instilled experience that incorporates rich factors of narration, appropriateness, and marketing for ecommerce through elegant banners. Contemporary society thrives in an era of multiplatform utility and Dolce and Gabbana makes a stylish editorial the same as the likes of Vogue, W, V, and interview magazine (Vivanco 77). Consecutively, clicking on other parts of Dolce and Gabbana’s YouTube channel highlights thumbnail still pictures from every video. Browsing through these videos with a cursor also highlights the video title and other information. Dolce and Gabbana’s used to employ digital efforts with a range of objectives in mind in the course of the second quarter of 2012. Nonetheless, it is definite that email, site, and social media are more overbea ring to a contemporary promotion plan in 2013 than 2012 (Vivanco 107). Eventually, these efforts can make a 360-degree brand message stronger than other brands. Italian fashion brand Dolce and Gabbana recently retooled its YouTube channel to give the appearance and experience a lift of the brand world. The organization managed to make these changes by applying stylish artistic and clear journalistic lines, per Dolce and Gabbana (Vivanco 109). The Dolce and Gabbana YouTube channel runs on featured motion pictures, collections, movements, splendor, friends and occasions, visions and accessories. The channel enables users to browse through each highlighted video using the arrows on the section (Roberts 2013). On the other hand, clicking on other sections highlights thumbnail unmoving images from every video. Browsing over the motion pictures using a cursor highlights the title and also provides other information about the video (Vivanco 110). For example, the ecommerce section of Dolce and Gabbana youtube channel attracts buyers straight to the Dolce and Gabbana site.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From here, the buyers can peruse through various drifts. Dolce and Gabbana appears to be trailblazing this marvel that is on the verge of raising ecommerce dealings, particularly when buyers simply watched a motion picture that gets them in the spending frame of mind. SWOT Analysis Strengths Dolce and Gabbana is a robust brand status. Dolce and Gabbana’s biggest market section comprises of loyal customers. Dolce and Gabbana has creative and exclusive commodities appropriate for people’s preference for change and quality launched often (Vivanco 158). Dolce and Gabbana has a huge collection of brands. Weaknesses All of Dolce and Gabbana commodities are costly, which limits its consumer base to the wealthy and classy group of society. Dolc e and Gabbana’s operations are highly dependent on economic fluctuations. As a result, Dolce and Gabbana has greater sales when the market settings are improved and vice versa than when the market is in turmoil (Vivanco 161). Dolce and Gabbana faces strong rivalry from other luxury brands such as Louie Vuitton and Gucci. Opportunities Dolce and Gabbana has an expanding market in the luxury section in financial systems such as India and China (Vivanco 166). Dolce and Gabbana has commodity and services growth across the globe. Dolce and Gabbana has a high innovation rate in commodities. Threats Dolce and Gabbana faces a lot of robust rivals competing in terms of creativity, elegance, and stylishness. Dolce and Gabbana finds it hard to break the loyalty of consumers from other brands (Vivanco 169). Dolce and Gabbana makes large investments in marketing of its brands. Dolce and Gabbana Future The designers of Dolce and Gabbana may have to reduce their anger when it comes to deali ng with rivalry and media controversies (Roberts 2013). This is because Dolce and Gabbana has a record of poor public relations, which is a disadvantage for a company trying to penetrate new markets (Vivanco 185). Dolce and Gabbana has a record of poor public relations because the organization was forced to close stores in Milan in july 2013 because of public criticism (Roberts 2013). The organization was compelled to put up signs of â€Å"closed for indignation,† which escalated the problem of public criticism instead of solving it.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Dolce and Gabbana’s Fingerprint specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to prevent future exhibition signs of indignation shutdowns, Dolce and Gabbana may have to avoid any other form of confrontation with rival organizations apart from demand and supply. Dolce and Gabbana may also become reluctant out of all proportion of suffering the al legations of the tax organizations and the Italian income returns authorities (Roberts 2013). For instance, Dolce and Gabbana’s owners were convicted of more than  £860 million of tax avoidance (Roberts 2013). Dolce and Gabbana may not succeed penetrating new markets if it does not stop these convictions from public figures and the ongoing media humiliation. Roberts, Hannah. Dolce Gabbana close their Milan shops in protest at being pilloried over tax evasion convictions. Mail Online, 19 Jul. 2013. Web. Vivanco, Mariano. Dolce Gabbana Uomini. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Incorporated, 2011. Print.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The 12 Days of Christmas in Spanish

The 12 Days of Christmas in Spanish Here are Spanish lyrics for The 12 Days of Christmas, a carol that has been sung in the English-speaking world since at least the 16th century. Los 12 das de Navidad El primer dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³una perdiz picando peras del peral. El segundo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El tercer dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El cuarto dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El quinto dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El sexto dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El sà ©ptimo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El octavo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El noveno dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El dà ©cimo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³diez seà ±ores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El undà ©cimo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³once gaiteritos, diez seà ±ores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. El duodà ©cimo dà ­a de Navidad, mi amor me mandà ³doce tamborileros, once gaiteritos, diez seà ±ores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mam gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral. Grammar and Vocabulary Notes Primer, segundo, tercer, etc.:  These are the words for  first, second, third, etc.  Primer  is a  shortened form  of  primero, and  tercer  is a shortened form of  tercero. They are shortened in this manner when appearing before a singular masculine noun. The forms used here for 11th and 12th are not common in spoken in Spanish. Dà ­a:  Dà ­a, meaning day, is an  exception  to the rule that nouns ending in  -a  are masculine. Navidad: This word can refer not only to Christmas Day but also to the season in general. Amor:  This is the word for love. It can refer not only to the emotion, but also to a person such as a sweetheart. It is related to the verb  amar. The noun  remains masculine even when it refers to a girl or woman. Mandà ³:  Mandà ³Ã‚  is a past-tense form of  mandar, which most often means to mandate or to order, but in this case means to send. Perdiz:  A partridge or ptarmigan. Picando:  This is  present participle  of  picar, which can mean to bite or to peck at. So a literal translation of this line would be a partridge pecking at pears of the pear tree. Note that here  the present participle functions as an adjective. In standard Spanish, the present participle acts as an adverb, but adjectival use such as this is sometimes used in poetry, journalistic writing, and translations from English. Pera, peral:  Pear, pear tree. The  suffix  -al  often refers to a tree or grove of trees. For example, an orange is a  naranja, while an orange grove is a  naranjal. Tortolita:  A name for numerous types of doves and related birds. Tortolita is a diminutive form of tà ³rtola, which can also refer to a turtledove. Diminutives such as this, while common in childrens music and literature, are not used extensively in serious contexts. Gallinita:  A  diminutive  form of  gallina, meaning hen.  Ã‚  A rooster is a  gallo. Pajarito:  A  diminutive  form of  pjaro, meaning bird. This could be translated as birdie. Anillo:  A ring. Dorado:  Golden. The word comes from ​dorar.  a verb that means to coat something with gold or to turn something brown. The word for gold is oro. Mam gansas:  About the only place youll find this phrase in Spanish is in this song - it means mother geese, but you normally wouldnt say it this way (one way would be  gansas madre).  Mam Gansa  and  Mam Ganso, however, are common ways of translating Mother Goose. Cisnito:  A  diminutive  form of  cisne, swan. Lecherita:  A  lechera  is a female who works with milk, usually someone who sells milk, but in context it could be one who milks cows.  Lecherita  is a  diminutive  form. Bailarina:  A female dancer, frequently referring to a ballet dancer. It is derived from bailar, the verb meaning to dance. Seà ±or:  Although this word is often used nowadays as a courtesy title translated as Mr., it can also refer to a lord.   Saltando:  The  present participle  of  saltar, to jump. Gaiterito:  A  diminutive  form of  gaitero, a piper. The related word gaita can refer to instruments such as flutes and bagpipes. Tamborilero:  A drummer. The related words tambor and tambora can also be used to refer to drums and drummers.