Saturday, August 31, 2019

Evolutionary Psychology Essay

Just as in the past a brilliant scientist and researcher William Harvey was able to find the fact that it is the heart that is responsible for pumping blood through the human body, psychologists of today have been able to find out and to prove the fact that ‘cognition’ has a particular and specific structure. These psychologists are known as ‘evolutionary psychologists’, and it is this team of experts that have floated the theory that cognitive structure, like physiological structure, has followed, through the centuries, the all important process of natural selection. This was how it has been able to survive and engage in reproduction through the years. What exactly is evolutionary psychology? It is a science that focuses on discovering the evolved process of the nervous systems of human beings, bringing into focus the fact that the human brain is a completely organized structure, just like tissues in any living organism are fully organized. In other words, it is the opinion of evolutionary psychologists that the human brain is composed of several functional parts, made to facilitate the survival and the reproduction of that particular organism. Therefore, this can be taken to mean that the human brain is not an organ with one single function, but rather as an organism made up of a large number of fully functioning parts. In general, evolutionary psychologists refer to the functional components of organisms as ‘adaptations’, and this is the term applied to the functions of the human brain as well. (Hagen, Edward 2004) It is evident therefore that evolutionary psychology refers to a particular approach to psychology, which uses the accepted principles of evolutionary biology to research the design and the workings of the human mind. It can be described as an approach, or a way of thinking, which can be applied to any subject within it. (Cosmides, Leda, Tooby, John 1997) What are the primary activities of evolutionary psychologists? Charles Darwin had this to say, in the year 1859, â€Å"In the distant future, I see open fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. † Darwin had foreseen the advances that would be made in the field of psychology in the future, and the science of evolutionary psychology was one of his predictions that came true. As mentioned earlier, evolutionary perspectives on human psychology are a part of the larger theory of general selection, and this field has led to greater scientific advancements in areas like sociobiology and ethnobotany, among others. Evolutionary psychologists have to find answers to questions such as how, why and when did human consciousness evolve, are there any differences between the psychology of men and women, and if so, what are they? Are there any differences between the psychologies of various races and ethnicities? Are there are adaptive explanations for human behaviors such as aggressiveness, self destructiveness and so on? Is it true that human consciousness is evolving today, as it has been steadily over the past hundreds and thousands of years? Is it true that human intelligence is inherited, and is it at all in any way influenced by one’s environment? Can the theories of evolutionary psychology accurately describe and explain the reasons behind the common phobias among human beings? One must remember however that several sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists are completely wary of using and understanding the new evolutionary perspective on human brains and behaviors, perhaps because in their opinion, evolutionary psychologists tended to adapt theories from the animal world and apply them to humans, and also, tended to generalize the principles of evolution in a much too dramatic fashion. (Evolutionary Psychology 2003) these are the basic of evolutionary psychology theory: Darwin’s ‘descent with modification’ theory, Hamilton’s ‘inclusive fitness’ theory, Maynard Smith’s ‘game theory’, and Trivers’ ‘optimization’ theory. Take for example the theory of ‘inclusive fitness’. This is also referred to as ‘kin selection’, and therefore forms an important element of evolutionary psychology. Kin selection explains away the fact of altruism and philanthropy, by stating that all genes are invariably ‘selfish’, and that an individual is in reality nothing but a gene’s ‘survival machine’. Nevertheless, since a gene would automatically be passed on to the next generation, if the person who is carrying that gene survives in order to reproduce, or even if any of the several other relatives of the surviving individual survive and reproduce, thereby passing on the gene to the next generation. According to Maynard Smith, this may be the reason why a lapwing will fake being injured in order to lure a predatory hawk away from its offspring, thereby acting in an altruistic manner towards its young. This type of altruism may also benefit non-relatives, because it is an acknowledged fact that the members of the same species will help take care of the youngsters of the species, even if they are not related in any way. The reason why this happens may be because of the fact that the evolved mechanism may not be sufficiently complex to make fine discriminations of this kind. This may be why some people like to take care of pets, while some do not. The people who do have pets are in fact allowing their caretaking mechanism to be exploited. Evolutionary psychology has also been applied into another important are: aggression of the human being. It is an accepted fact that sexual rivalry often leads to blatant aggression, and most violent deaths are caused by man killing another man, or man killing a woman in the name of sexual tension and rivalry. In such a case, violence may be taken to refer to be just one strategy in the plethora of male coercive tools, coercion being the direct result of sexual proprietorship and possessiveness. Men who allow themselves to be cuckolded would then be considered losers of the zero-sum evolutionary game that human beings play in their desire to make sure that their genes get into the next generation. Men use violence as a tool to stop and prevent their mates from sexually engaging with other men, because although maternity is always a given, paternity may not be proven. It is this same principle that works in the case of step-children and their adoptive fathers. These fathers have no interest in their step children, because they are not carrying their genes onto the next generation, and supporting another man’s child may mean that this man is working in opposition to his evolutionary interests. History can prove to man that in general, step fathers indulge in greater violence and aggression towards their step children than towards their biological children, the primary reason being that of ensuring that his genes are carried forward, and not another man’s. (Evolutionary Psychology 1998) According to evolutionary psychologists, there is a lack of fit between the current environment and the adaptation of the brain. In their opinion, if the brain is an adaptation, then there could be no doubt that at some time back in time, there existed some sort of selection for brain mechanisms, which in effect transformed information about environment and its conditions, into human behaviors that could adapt and change in accordance with the requirements of the situation and environment. Selection, however took place because of the manner in which they responded to the environment at the time in which they were selected. Therefore, this theory can be taken to imply that because environmental conditions are different today, the information that is input to the brain is different as well, and as a direct consequence, the brain may respond by generating behavior that may not be adaptive to the new conditions in which it finds itself. Failure to adapt may occur in two ways: either the brain could continue to produce the same older behavior under the newer conditions given, or the brain could produce new behavior that responded to the new information coming in, and the behavior could fail to be of the adaptive sort. This is in fact a rather common behavioral pattern, and when conditions change, the response becomes different from what the designers intended, like for example, as demonstrated by sophisticated computer programs, designed to perform a variety of complicated tasks, are also programmed to produce adaptive outputs as a direct response to certain key commands. At the same time, a new input could confuse the computer and prompt it into giving a completely nonsensical and non-adaptive output in response. In human beings, as evolutionary psychologists theorize, there is in place an evolved behavioral predisposition to make sure that reproductive success is always at its highest level, but this conflates the theory that the human brain was designed through a process of selection, as mentioned earlier. (Buller J David n. d)

Friday, August 30, 2019

How to make the world a better place to live in Essay

There is nothing which can be done to totally improve the world’s condition presently. However, there is something which can de done for the betterment of the world’s condition. The main point which could affect the condition of the world is Education. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. â€Å"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one† said Malcolm Forbes. The supporting idea which could improve the world’s current situation is Religion. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. Matthew Arnold had said that â€Å"the true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality, but morality touched with emotion†. Last thing that might help is looking at the world in a social aspect. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. If a person has knowledge, good communication skills, discipline, dignity, a belief system consisting of traditions, cultures, and moral values, understanding, not ignorant, and more open, than that person could cause no harm or trouble to anyone. If billions of people view the world as an educational, religious, and also a social place, then the condition of the world would be greatly improved and would be a â€Å"heaven† to some people. Today, people have no time to do anything. They are so busy working that they don’t even know what is going on around them. All they want to do is to earn money. Money is everything for everyone these days. Money brings happiness to people nowadays, which is totally wrong. Money can never bring peace in anyone’s life. Money can actually ruin a persons’ life by bringing jealousy, and proud into that person. If a person has a lot of money, he tends to have more power on others, which usually leads to an evil act or a selfish act. Billions of people look at the world in an economic view which is the cause of all the politics tensions, wars, and all different kinds of riots and disasters. However, if people look at the world in different aspects, the world could be a better place to live in. â€Å"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one† said Malcolm Forbes. Education can improve the world’s condition greatly. Without  Education, people would just live like cavemen and cavewomen. They will have no idea about anything. If everyone in this world is educated, there would be fewer problems in the world for example, over population. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. From knowledge, we learn, understand, and analyze. We need to learn in order to know how things work. We understand by the learning and by all this learning and understanding, we can analyze things. From good communication skills, we tend to communicate well with others with created a better understanding between others. From discipline, people get self-control. Having self-control is always good because you know how and when to act. Lastly, from dignity, people learn how to respect themselves which brings in them an optimistic view. Education can provide all these qualities in a person. Education can make the world’s condition better which would create fewer problems in the world. â€Å"The true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality, but morality touched with emotion† said Matthew Arnold. Religion could also improve the condition of the world with the support of education. Without religion, people would have no belief system or any traditions and cultures. People would not have any history of their own backgrounds and their ethnic values. A religion teaches us what is good and what is bad for us. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. We need a belief system in order to keep a systematic schedule between work and also personal life. We need discipline because we need self-control. Having self-control is always good because you know how and when to act. We need traditions and cultures because without traditions and cultures, we will just live out lives as a robot. We will not have any festivals and will not believe in anyone or God. Traditions and cultures affect the way we look at things and also affect our thinking. Our traditions and cultures make us act as we do. Lastly, religion provides us with moral values. We need moral values in order to know what is good and what is bad for us. Without religion, we are nothing but just a bunch of people looking at the world in a very practical view with results in selfishness. Supported with education, and religion, looking at the world in a social aspect also helps to improve the world’s condition. If a person is not socially involved, it is likely that that person would have fewer knowledge of what is going on around the world as that person would not discuss about current affairs with others. That person would also not know other people properly which could results in disaster especially during bad times when you need someone’s help. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. You need to be more understanding in order for you to make good relationship with other people which make it easier to be socially involved. If you are more understanding, people will tend to talk to you more, which could result in being open with other people. Being socially involved can be very enjoyable yet also could be very beneficial. If billions of people view the world as an educational, religious, and also a social place, then the condition of the world would be greatly improved and would be a â€Å"heaven† to some people. Education provides people with knowledge, communication skills, discipline, and also with dignity. Religion provides people with a belief system consisting of discipline, tradition, culture, and morality. Being social gives us a more understanding character, and it gives us more information about the current issues which at least makes us not ignorant, and it also makes us more open to people. If a person has knowledge, good communication skills, discipline, dignity, a belief system consisting of traditions, cultures, and moral values, understanding, not ignorant, and more open, than that person could cause no harm or trouble to anyone. Education is needed because it makes a person who he/she really is and what his/her capabilities are. Religion is needed because it is necessary for every individual in a society. Being social is needed in order for your own recognition in a society. Every person needs to be educated, religious, and also social. These are the three aspects of life. Billions of people’s life could be enhanced if everyone views this world in these three aspects.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alcohol Consumption As we discussed in class, t Essays

Alcohol Consumption As we discussed in class, there is a concept that each individual has more than one "self." An individual has both a physical "self" and a mental or emotional "self." I will give you an example to illustrate this concept. Many people who wake up to an alarm in the morning often find it very difficult to get themselves out of bed. They may know that they will be late for class or for work if they stay in bed but their bodies are in need of more sleep. This is an example of a conflict between the two selves. Although there are arguably two selves, they are actually both rooted in the physical. As a result, a chemical change in the body can result in a significant change in the mental/emotional self. Specifically, I will explore how the effects of alcohol consumption can significantly impact one's choices, how causing a physical change by choice can influence a person mentally. The experiment that I designed following the "Time to Think?" lab heightened my interest on how alcohol consumption effects the body and the brain. As I looked into research about alcohol consumption I visited the websites for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the American Medical Association under the assumption that they would provide a significant amount of research regarding the biological effects of alcohol consumption. I actually found a much larger concentration of material covering the dangerous and/or self-destructive actions taken when under the influence of alcohol, specifically as a result of binge drinking. Still, I will begin my discussing the basic biology of what takes place as a result of alcohol consumption. So, what's happening to one's brain as an individual consumes more and more alcohol? If one drinks two drinks in one hour or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .02 - .06% the association area of the cerebrum is progressively affected. This impairs one's ability to reason as well his/her judgement. Symptoms include dizziness, less inhibited behavior, overestimation of skills, and slower reaction time. After consuming two to three drinks in one hour or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .6 - .10% most of the cerebrum is progressively affected. The ability to reason, judgement, one's senses, merit, coordination, vision, and speech are all functions that are affected and/or impaired. Symptoms include slurring of speech, blurred vision, and loss of coordination. (1) It is evident that even after only two or three drinks the distinction between the physical self and the mental/emotional self has lessened. Although the mental/emotional self may be unaware of it, he/she does not have the control that he/she had prior to consuming alcohol. As one continues to drink the result is even more drastic. After four to five drinks in one hour or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .12 - .15% the entire cerebrum is progressively affected. In addition to functions previously mentioned as affected and/or impaired, hearing is also affected and/or impaired. Symptoms include double vision, drowsiness, loss of balance, and clumsiness. After eight to ten drinks in one hour or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .30 - .40% the limbic system is progressively affected. Respiration and heart rate are affected and/or impaired in addition to all of the other functions previously mentioned. As a result the individual will either go into a deep sleep or into a coma. (1) The Harvard School of Public Health completed a study that explored how alcohol consumption resulted in individuals making arguably bad choices. One of the samples was a group who had binge drank three or more times in the last two weeks. Binge drinking is defined as four or more drinks for women and five or more for men. (2) Of those sampled, 62.5% missed at least one class, 46.3% got behind in schoolwork, 62% did something they regretted, 54% forgot where they were or what they did, 42.6% argued with a friend, 41.5% engaged in unplanned sex, 20.4% did not use protection during sex, 22.7% damaged property, 12.7% got in trouble with the police, 26.6% got hurt or injured, .9% were medically treated for an alcohol overdose, 56.7% drove after drinking, and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Top Girls by Caryl Churchill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Top Girls by Caryl Churchill - Essay Example My general thought of the production is that the director did an excellent job in explaining the challenges facing tough women. The play commences in the cafà © where Marlene waits for her friends to arrive to celebrate her success as the boss of the employment agency (Churchill 1982). The women guests explain their experiences prior to attaining their goals. Scene one in Act 2 displays Marlene at the agency working while Scene 2 shows Angie and Kit playing. Angie says that she would kill her mother as she had been sleeping around (Churchill 1982). In Scene 3 Marlene arrives, Nell and Win gossip about the latest in the office. Angie arrives; but is shy in Marlene’s presence. Mrs. Kidd interrupts and requests Marlene to step down from the â€Å"man’s job† for her desperate husband, Howard. Marlene declines Mrs. Kidd’s offer. Nell then arrives with the news that Howard had had a heart attack but Marlene is not moved (Churchill 1982). The final act takes place in Joyce’s kitchen, where Marlene, Joyce and Angie share experiences. Joyce and Marlene are wary that Angie may not m ake much of herself. Joyce is skeptical of her success, but Marlene insists that she will be a successful woman, just like her mother who is revealed to be Marlene (Churchill 1982). The setting played  a more active role in  my experience of the film by crafting a completely simulated world on my understanding of the film. The setting is in Britain where the success of women is regarded stylish and fashionable (Churchill

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

To what extent did diplomacy effect the rise of the modern state from Essay

To what extent did diplomacy effect the rise of the modern state from 1648-1815 - Essay Example 1997). This requires a less teleological view of the emergence of the modern state by placing far more emphasis on the interrogation of the ostensible and hidden motivations of the diplomats of each era, who after all were the catalysts for change in the political arena. The ‘Westphalian’ state arose from the chaos of more than hundred years of European power struggle and it was brought about by the fiscal and military exhaustion of the participants. The need to put an end to the human, financial and environmental devastation brought the parties together in a five-year long diplomatic undertaking, with the goal of establishing collective security and a balance of power. Agreement was finally reached in 1648 on a new configuration of Europe that curtailed the power of the Holy Roman Empire and increased the number of member states substantially to allow sufficient numbers of states to form alliances that would constitute a ‘balance of power’ to avoid future c onflicts. The Peace of Westphalia also empowered diplomacy to be the first and foremost means of maintaining security. Also enshrined in the ‘Westphalian peace treaties’ was the ideal that ‘state interests’ prevailed beyond all other reasons, based on the hope that princes would not let themselves be ruled by ‘disorderly appetites’ (Nathan J., 2002). It was thus firmly established that from then on, secular state interests were to be of primary importance and they were to be guarded by loyal, professional servants of this state, who were skilled in states craft and diplomacy. The underlying aim was to achieve that no one state could ever again gain supremacy. Many of the theories underlying the negotiations of Westphalia, had their origin in the politics of the Italian city-states but it was in Munster and Osnabruck that they were consolidated and shaped into rules and regulations, which from then on occupied politicians and theoreticians alike (Cruz, L. 1997). The value the Italians had placed on diplomacy had depended on ‘balance of power’, counteracting the dominance of Venice with the alliance of the remaining four states, under the watchful eyes of Lorenzo de Medici and Ferdinand of Naples, whose vigilance acted as ‘preventative diplomacy’ (Rucellai and Guicciardini in Sheehan, M., 2002). There were, however flaws in the system set up in 1648 that were not present in the Venetian, particularly in relation to diplomacy and the concept of ‘balance of power’, which in the much larger European theatre lacked clear definition and prominence. Most importantly, however, there was no diplomatic mechanism in place during peace times and no watchful group of sovereigns as there were in Venice (Treasure, M., 2003). This effectively meant that every act of aggression could directly lead to war, in the absence of a diplomatic charter that would prescribe arbitration and despite the fact that ‘recourse to arms was outlawed’, (Nathan, J., 2002) The treaties of Westphalia called for ‘great conferences’ in the case of impending conflict (Grotius cited in Nathan, J., 2002), but the ‘collective response’ was to prove problematic in the coming decades, as few states

Monday, August 26, 2019

Youth Work & Poverty (REACTION PAPER) Research Paper

Youth Work & Poverty (REACTION ) - Research Paper Example I agree with this contention because education empowers individuals with knowledge and skills that help them to exploit new opportunities of personal and professional growth. It also ensures that they are better equipped to make decisions based on informed choices which enhance their scope of employment. The increasing poverty forces the youth to abandon their studies in favor of work that is necessary for human survival. Moreover, while 16% youth is unemployed, by the age of 23 years, 41% of them end up being arrested at least once for something other than minor traffic violation (dol). This is hugely pertinent fact because it reveals the subtle trend in the current generation towards criminal acts and unlawful activities. The problems of the youth and the deteriorating level of education have emerged as crucial social factors that adversely impact the socio-economic development of the nation (Doob, 38; Conger & Donnellan, 179). It not only deprives the future of the nation with their dreams but also considerably adds to the burden of public welfare plans. One of the interesting questions that it raises is why one of the richest and the most developed nation of the world has not been able to motivate its youth for higher education as two out of every three unemployed youths have high school certificate or less (dol). Their lack of education either makes them jobless or earn much less than their peer group who are better qualified. It often results in low esteem and tendency towards unlawful activities for enjoying the lifestyle that they believe they are entitled for! (Abramsky, 29). Thus education becomes vital tool for the young people to ensure that they are better equipped with skills and qualifications to avail new opportunities of work and contribute to the development of the nation. The educational level has emerged as key element that significantly widens the scope of getting good jobs. It cuts across the divide of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Obsessive-Complusive PD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obsessive-Complusive PD - Essay Example Most of their waking hours are spent in worrying about unwanted thoughts and mental images (Hyman & Pedrick, 2009, p.7). People suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are incapable of leading a normal life as their obsession draws most of their energy, and most of their actions are influenced by their obsessions. Hence, the only way to cure the Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is to manage the obsessive thoughts through different psychological therapies, as only by managing and understanding the nature of obsessive and compulsive thoughts can one manage the obsessive-compulsive behavior. Definition To understand OCD, it is important to define the words ‘obsession’ and ‘compulsion’. DSM-IV (1994) defines obsession as â€Å"persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress† (Jakes, 1996, p.6). DSM-IV (1994) defines compulsions as â€Å"the r epetitive behavior and mental acts† which are intended â€Å"to remove anxiety or distress and not to provide pleasure or gratification† (Jakes, 1996, p.6). Hence, according to DSM-IV (1994), OCD can be diagnosed when the excessiveness and the unreasonable nature of the obsessive and compulsive behavior and thoughts is realized by the people suffering from it (Jakes, 1996, p.6). ... To cure OCD, it is necessary to understand the cause of it. Nature Of OCD Researches in past 60 years have found that OCD is a disorder that depends on different factors (Pauls, Alsobrook, Goodman, Rasmussen & Leckman, 1995, p.76), and hence, it is not easy to reach the conclusion regarding its nature. Familial history was found to be factor in some cases of OCD, while in other cases, there was no evidence of familial history (Pauls et al., 1995, p.76). This shows that the basis of OCD is still controversial. It was widely believed that the genes are responsible for the OCD in human beings (Arnold & Richter, 2001, p. 1353). However, no specific genetic factor has been identified as responsible for OCD (Arnold & Richter, 2001, p. 1353). This led the researchers to believe that when the â€Å"underlying genetic susceptibility† interacts with the environmental risk factors, then it results in obsessive-compulsive behavior pattern and leads to development of OCD in that person (Ar nold & Richter, 2001, p. 1353). Hence, it is very necessary to detect the OCD as soon as the symptoms start appearing in a person. However, it has been found that most of the times, OCD goes undetected. OCD is not common in young children (Heyman, Fombonne, Simmons, Ford, Meltzer & Goodman, 2001, p.324). However, the rate of OCD in young adults in their puberty has been found to be increasing (Heyman et al., 2001, p.324). Hence, it is important to detect OCD early to manage it in behavior. Researches in many countries have revealed that one out of every forty people suffer from OCD (Hyman & Pedrick, 2009, p.17). OCD develops gradually in personality (Hyman & Pedrick, 2009, p.19). However, an unexpected distressing event in

Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Risk Assessment - Essay Example The participants involved in the risk assessment include:  Jack Philips, Hewlett-Packard chief IT officer who reviewed the safety of the entire report after completion.Patrick Michaels, Hewlett Packard senior IT technician that uses the information risk management to ensure that the operation of the company runs smoothly and providing additional information on what needs to be improved within the firm (Loughman et al., 2011 p 45).  James Williams, Hewlett Packard systems administrator who provided information on how secure the system was for use online. The information was obtained through the completion of questionnaires.  John Wallace, Hewlett Packard Data administrator provided information on the same through the completion of various reports after having done assessments and questionnaires.  Mike Johnson, Hewlett Packard computer security officer, gave information on the security system through doing reports and filling questionnaires.  Control objectives needed to secu re an organization.  This step will help in identifying the risks associated with the information system installed at Hewlett Packard. This will be effective in analyzing the various vulnerabilities that the systems may be exposed to. The systems may also be exposed to a number of threats within the company, for instance, environmental factors and various human factors (Calow 2009 p 12).  The process that was used to identify involved:  Ã‚  a) Identification of the susceptibility of the organization’s information system

Saturday, August 24, 2019

History of Turkey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of Turkey - Research Paper Example Turkey is a sovereign country that has a lot of interesting stories surrounding its past. It is therefore said that Turkey has a great history. Whereas some of highlights are political, others are economics whiles some are social. All in all, different authors and reviewers have viewed the history of Turkey from different perspectives. In this essay, the views and thoughts of four writers who have written about Turkey from four different perspectives are discussed. Introduction of authors and their overall sense of purpose in their articles. , but then integrate and compare authors. Margaret MacMillan and The End of the Ottomans Margaret MacMillan is the author of Paris Peace Talks of 1919. The book contains a chapter from which the article â€Å"The End of the Ottomans† is found. The author, Margaret MacMillan approaches her theme or subject from a reported perspective. This is to say that she was not a living witness to the situation or case on which she reported. This is be cause the events leading to the actual end of the Ottomans took place in the year 1919. This not withstanding, nothing can be taken out of the authentication of the fact reported in the article. This is because the author is an insider as far as the events leading to the end of the Ottomans are concerned. For instance Stefov (2005) notes that â€Å"Margaret MacMillan is the great-great granddaughter of David Lloyd George. David Lloyd George (1863-1945) was British Prime Minister of the Liberal party during the 1919 peace talks and was responsible for drafting the Treaty of Versailles.† More to this, the author is a learned historian and professor at the University of Oxford. In her writing, she expresses an overall sense of purpose of the need for the treaty that ended the reign of the Ottomans. She also highlights the strategy used by the liberation seekers and justifies their approach of forming alliances with other nations to fight wars that eventually led to the end of th e Ottomans. Comparatively, Margaret MacMillan tackles a more ancient beginning of Turkey than the other authors as the other authors seem to write on the aftermath of the establishment of the new Turkey. Rajan Menon and Wimbush S. Enders and The US and Turkey: End of an Alliance? Rajan Menon and Wimbush S. Enders are the second authors whose work is considered in this essay. The two write on â€Å"The US and Turkey: End of an Alliance?† right from the citing of the topic of their article, their overall sense of purpose is made clear. This is said because the topic is put in a question form. This means that the authors are only making an interrogative statement and not a factual one. However, this sets the precedence for a rather controversial subject to be discussed by the authors. The controversy in their purpose of writing is in the fact that their theme is highly debatable and not subject to measurement. For instance to say that the US and Turkey alliance has come to an en d is not a measurable fact. It will therefore be very difficult to say this for a fact – a reason that the writers put their topic in a question form. However, a critical review of the article reveals that the writers have taken a stand and indeed a very firm

Friday, August 23, 2019

Select a publicly traded U.S. corporation for which you have a common Essay

Select a publicly traded U.S. corporation for which you have a common interest - Essay Example egic business decisions, the company has been able to trade in over 186 million bids, with a sum of over $840 million items being sold with an average of around 800, 000 bids per day. (Schonfeld, 2005) As a result of internet technology a lot of business sprung up, among them being Electronic commerce. The online business started to pick up in the early 1990s, and by around 2000 the business was fully embraced across the globe. Recently, e-commerce industry has experienced an immense development, mostly due to the growth of internet users across the world. More and more people are shifting their attention towards the new shopping model of doing online shopping. (Schonfeld, 2005) E-Bay incorporation provides an online platform for sellers and buyers to interact and trade in various categories of goods and services. There are three segments in eBay namely; payments, marketplaces and GSI Commerce. Since access to e-commerce is universal, and the physical assets to start up this form of business are commercially available, barriers to entry into the industry is quite lower. Now what matters here is the network externalities effect. For instance, it is extremely difficult for a competitor to acquire a bigger share of the users in market where there is relatively huge network externalities. Nonetheless, eBay has managed to secure its position among the top e-commerce websites in the world. However, just like any other industry eBay is subject to competition from companies like Yahoo and Amazon. These companies normally employ tactics such as lowering of price of their services in order to gain competitive advantage. At the moment eBay is focusing its markets abroad. It is now operating in eight of the top ten countries, by e-commerce market size outside the American nation. For example, eBay controls over 80% of e-commerce market in Asia, while it is reported to be gaining users , 45% faster in Europe continent more than in U.S.A. It is also experiencing a 135% growth

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Toyota Management Planning Essay Example for Free

Toyota Management Planning Essay In order to keep an organization flowing and to achieve the goals that are set-forth the management teams have to continually watch their planning processes. To make sure that nothing is missed in any of the steps the planning teams such as change management taking charge to monitor the growth is able to happen. For Toyota there have been some large changes going on over the past few years with the difficulties from the over-seas suppliers due to the tsunami then in the auto world there is always troubles that lie ahead with design changes and technology changes. Although the company in whole is not performing all that poorly with such difficult times they have had along with all the struggles the other automakers have had in the market. Upon research for the Toyota Motor Company you will find that they are the largest automaker in the world followed by General Motors. Recently Toyota had made a very bold move on their planning side to be able to stay the largest automaker in the world. On March 6th 2013 the company appointed non-Japanese Executive to lead three out of its four global regions. It also appointed three outside members to its board of directors, including longtime former General Motors executive Mark Hogan (Snavely, 2013). This is the strategic and also tactical form of planning the short term being able to make the vehicles more intriguing along with making sure that Toyota stays in the eyes of the American consumers. Foreign auto makers tend to do this no matter where they come from because no matter what their mother-ship is in a different country not realizing what the true difference in design and passion is. Planning for growth such as theirs with long term customer retention is not always easily to be done with the poor quality from large and important recalls here in the United States. * Legal issues can stem from anything in the auto world, anything from large safety recalls to buy backs caused by not having parts in stock or taking too long to get from the supplier. The largest influence of the legal issues are the recalls in parts greatly increased if Toyota claims it to be a safety issue such as the breaks going out, or the Prius not shutting down and driving out of control. When the planning team starts to build ways to fix their issues it needs to be the fast way possible so that customers feel safe with what they have implemented to correct the issues. So when they find an issue with a vehicle tactically they need to develop the fix, then plan for what parts are needed ordered to ensure that the cars can be fixed when you tell the owners. * This is ethically important to the business knowing that there is a problem with the vehicles and it is still safe you are not setting up for angry customers. You have informed them that you have located the issue figured out the fix and also have everything ready for you when you come in for the repair, not sweeping it under the rug and hiding it. In order to make things flow together and showing everyone that Toyota works on being the top employer in the United States in order to do this they need to show the commitment on doing the right thing for the employees in the plants or parts distributions channels. Making everyone aware that Toyota’s management is working on fixing its past and will be a new richer company in no time as long as customers remove the old pasts they will be able to hit the next level. * Socially as the auto company works on the growth they have setup for you will always see more and more of what they have done and what they plan to do for you in the future as they grow. Seeing them display their new developments such as starting off with the original Prius then hearing what the consumers said they added the next line of Prius C smaller, Prius V larger and the plug in Prius. By hearing socially what the customers need and want management heard this used it to develop the next line of models. Social networking is a way to press conference to the customers or a fan so that they know and can hear what the management has planned; every business uses these forms to get across to the customers. Toyota in the United States has a hard win for getting new customers in the door. Their design of the vehicles is a little too Japanese for the American buyers. Over the next few years the new designs will need to be marketed to bring the new customers in the doors. Strategically they have changed a lot inside the walls of the business to make sure that it can sustain the goals set forth. Toyota has condensed its businesses into four main units, creating a structure that the company said should clarify operations and earnings responsibility as well as speed up decision-making. (Takahasha, 2013). All the movements that have been made were all done to make sure that the goals will be achieved in the time line that they have tasked themselves with. As we think on the directions that business are going you will realize that every aspect of the business Toyota has to be revamped in order to setup for their goals of not being so old fashioned in design. The largest factors for implementing these changes in the poor turn around on issues such as recalls from 2009-2010, this has halted their growth in continuing to be benchmark in the auto world. New managers to make quick and fast acting decisions in if the most important thing for Toyota to make the customers see when something is happening to the business. This also goes back to the social side of things, customers notice a flaw then it will be plastered for all social networks to be able to be seen by all. Proving the quality has changed with the new management and them being transparent so that a management should do is see them implementing their changes. Resources: Snavely, B. (2013). USA Today. Retrieved from http://www. usatoday. com/story/money/cars/2013/03/26/toyota-management-changes-bob-carter/2021639/ Takahasha, Y. (2013). The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424127887323628804578343552255704028. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dialectics in Oryx and Crake Essay Example for Free

Dialectics in Oryx and Crake Essay Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake, is about an anti-utopian society that chronicles the collapse of civilization and corrupt medical practice. The town’s morals are highly questionable, in that the majority of the citizens approve of gene splicing, transgenic animals, like mixing a dog’s genetic code with a wolf, and transplanting animal organs in human beings. The book poses a question of what is truly ethical in medical practice? This story has an immediate correlation to the island of Dr.   Moreau, by H. G. Wells, in which a mad scientist creates a dysfunctional society of genetically spliced transgenic animals as well. Like The Island of Dr. Moreau, Margaret Atwood relies on dialectical elements. Dialectic is a classical philosophy originated by the Greeks that depended on the furthering of society through thesis and antithesis. In modern day it has developed between most scholastics as a fine art of persuasion. It is ever present in Oryx and Crake through the dialectics produced through Crake’s insanity. His main dialectical argument is that society has become morally bankrupt and is due for a change and Crake claims intellectual right over all of man kind. His views are presented as deliriously radical, but there is irony in the fact that the University that Crake attends is named Asperger’s U. A term used to describe people who are usually extremely intelligent and often very eccentric, it be could argued that Atwood hints to imply Crake may be the correct one after all, and that the rest of society is wrong. This virtually tyrannical takeover of both the world and the lives of Oryx and Snowman are done entirely through aggressive persuasion. In the formation of Crake, Atwood creates an insanely ranting lunatic, with whom in the end the reader has no choice but to sympathize. The dialectic argument that is posed here is that the dye is cast. Atwood, acknowledges that our society’s morals tread a fine line from damnation, and she writes a novel that puts us one step over that line. The reader has no choice but to sympathize with Crakes’ actions because he is a product of an unbearable world, not too distant from our own. The novel itself, poses a persuasive argument to the reader, in that all of the occurrences in the plot are rationally plausible. There are scenes in the novel where the two men, Crake and Snowman, are attending college together and enjoying their favorite pastimes. These hobbies include, watching nudie news, live executions, and child pornography. In the beginning moments of the lives of the two main characters, the reader views a demoralized world, in which it appears even the plot’s hero is desensitized to the plight of his society. The ironic and reasonable argument posed is that all of these things they are doing, we can do today in our society. At the same time, child pornography, nude news, and live executions online are all either frowned upon and remotely new to our society. Atwood presents the enjoyment of these practices like they are common occurrences. The same goes for gene splicing. It is widely debated as an immoral and illegal act, but it is reasonable enough to think that with the passing of time eventually a law can be passed to legalize both gene splicing and child pornography. This would inadvertently make the use and distribution of these practice more heavily abundant in society and change the moral makeup of the people as a whole. A third persuasive argument the novel poses, and this is more from a perspective of female empowerment, is the idea of polyandry. It is historically a man’s fantasy and an empowering element for the man, while degrading to the woman, for a man to have two wives. Atwood poses the exact opposing scenario in this novel. On one end the idea of polyandry is implied through the relationships both Snowman and Crake have with Oryx. It is directly inferred to in that the Crakers only breed when they are polyandrous. This like most of the novel is a play on societal norms. Underlying in the dialectic argument of the novel are societal implications. For example, by Atwood calling Crakes’ creations the Crakers, she creates an implied connection on words to the Quakers, who are known for starting their own Christian new world. Crake also embodies the values of real time corporations, in that he creates a medical demand for his products through unleashing a virus. His behavior can only be expected by his inherent capabilities and by him being the product of a moral-less society. Atwood’s novel is also fueled by human nature, the horrific experiences the characters go through and their apathetic reactions actually seem believable because they are so human. An example of this is shown in the scene where Crake has just destroyed society as we know it and snowman watches the devastation on the internet, The whole thing seemed like a movie†¦The worst of it was that those people out there – the fear, the suffering, the wholesale death – did not really touch him (Atwood, 2004). It is ironic that Atwood makes a reference to the end of society being like a movie; this exposes snowman’s adolescent and distant nature, as well as makes him appear more human. This also connects back to the live executions witnessed online earlier in the novel. These are examples of Atwood using real time human tendencies to show her characters’ disenfranchisement from society. The actions following this scene consist of snowman leading the Crakers out into the new world in which they find glow-in-the-dark bunnies running rampant. This is another societal implication in that this was the actual result of transgenic Dr. Eduardo Kac, who spliced rabbit and jellyfish DNA in the year 2000. In sum, the dialectic philosophy is present in Margaret Atwood’s novel, Oryx and Crake in that it poses multiple arguments. It supports these arguments through real-time societal implications, believable characters, and a radical thesis carried out by Crake. Atwood’s literary genius is revealed in the fact that, all three of these elements draw sympathy from the reader, and in effect persuade the reader to believe the rationale behind the destruction of their own society.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community Reflection

Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community Reflection On June 12, 1997. This day was started out like any other day. But later this tragedy would change the direction of my life forever. A domestic shooting took place and I was the victim. The offender and I were close friends. We were sharing an apartment together. Most of the people in the community would see us together on a daily basis, some of the neighbors would make it their mission to watch us, maybe because we did not pose a threat, and we would always speak. My roommate also had children, 2 girls, and boy ages 14,13 and 9. They lived with their grandparents at the time. The shooting happening because my roommate accuses me of cheating and it escalated from there. She had driven out to my job earlier that day and confronting me with a shirt that had lipsticks stains on the collar. Of course, I denied the aggregation. When I returned home from work she was their still anger from earlier. We started yelling at one another back and forth and she grabs my pistol. The pistol that was used was a 22 caliber it was purchased from a friend it was not registered. We often get into heated arguments with each other and they usually cool down. But this time it was different, it was something more underneath the surface. The bullets were just purchased for that pistol a week ago before the shooting, I did not think it was loaded. When she fired the weapon, I was setting on the edge of the bed, when my head flew back on the bed and blood starting running out of the side of my mouth. We were both in shock me not knowing the severity of the gunshot wound and her standing frozen in denial and frantic that my famiIly was going to kill her. She yelling at me to sit up and I could not without help, she comes over and helps me up, now blood is running faster out of my mouth, and I am trying quietly to whisper to her to call 911, reassuring her that she did not mean to shoot me. At this time everyone nearby in the apartment complex heard the commotion and start ed to stand around outside as the Police and EMS arrived. The landlord knew my mother, and I whisper to her not to let my mother know what had happened. Because she would have been devasted. I also told the police that I was not going to press charges, the officers looks at me and shakes his head. She had a family and, I did not want to see her children suffer, because of the mistake that she had made. They transported me to Cape Fear Valley hospital. I was reluctant to give out any information to them concerning contacting my family. My worries were my family, especially my mother, I could not take my family through this ordeal. They were notified, by who, I am not sure, I passed out at that time. We all know that domestic violence has been around for decades even centuries, mainly among heterosexual, now it has entered into the LBGQT community. Most of the time heavy drinking plays a role, in domestic violence, such as, in my situation, we were both heavy drinkers, and she had been drinking at the time of the shooting. Men and Women are now experienced abuse and violence in relationships with their partners. Law enforcement, government agencies, and the general population acknowledge that domestic violence is a serious public health problem (Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community, 2011). Researcher has acknowledged that domestic violence among same-sex couples is similar to heterosexual couples. But because of certain laws, domestic violence victims in same-sex relationships are not identified as heterosexual relationships they can not get the help they need. This is due to the lack of legal recognition of same-sex relationships, law enforcements failure to identify and properly handle domestic violence cases involving people of the same sex, and the shortage of resources available to victims of same-sex partner domestic abuse (Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community, 2011). In most situation, shelters can not provide a safe place of care for gay men and lesbian because of certain legalities in our courts systems. During my process with my battle back from my shooting. I would not identifies us as a couple. The shooting was due to an argument among friends. The shame of being label as lesbians and getting shot by your lover was not good in an African America family and cultural not for me. My family was concern about my ability to function normally, physical and financially after this had happened. We had worked out an agreement between the two of us that she would pay my car payments until I was able to return back to work. She started out for a while and then stop. If it is not documented by the courts you really do not have a legal right or obligation for the offender to comply with the agreement. References DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER RELATIONSHIPS. (2006). Retrieved from National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/ncadv_lgbt_fact_sheet.pdf Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community. (2011, June 14). Retrieved from Center For American Progress: al., M. e. (2016). Violence Against Women in Selected Areas of the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 2156-2166. Shwayder, M. (2013, November 5). A Same-Sex Domestic Violence Epidemic Is Silent. Retrieved from The Atlantic Monthly Group:

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay -- Literary Analysis, Oscar Wilde

Many people influence our lives, shaping the way we act, talk, and even think. People can affect others in many positive ways; however, they can also corrupt the people around them. In Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry influences Dorian Gray to the point where Dorian loses all respect, dignity, and integrity that he had and eventually leads him to experience his downfall. In William Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago clearly feels no allegiance to even one other character in the play yet he makes each feel as if he is his or her personal confidant and most trustworthy friend and advisor. Dorian Gray influences over unfortunate youths and leads them to their destruction. Finally, the society has a profound influence over Alan Campbell and Basil and they eventually meet their downfall due to the influence. Dorian Gray’s downfall rests in his willingness to sacrifice himself to Lord Henry’s vision. When Lord Henry first meets Dorian Gray, he notices Dorian Gray’s beauty. Lord Henry tells Dorian that youth and beauty are the finest of all treasures, and they should be cherished and guarded because they quickly fade. Recollecting the words of Lord Henry, Dorian first recognizes the extraordinary beauty and youth in the portrait and then is pained by the thought of losing it. He envies the figure in the painting, and wishes, â€Å"If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture was to grow old! For that-for that- I would give everything!† (p.28) Lord Henry's words on youth and beauty influence Dorian to make this wish. His wish was granted and the painting will show his sins and his age while Dorian would remain young. As Dorian observes the portrait alter more each time he does something unpleasant, he realizes that ... ...t Dorian even though he does not want to. The society informed Basil about the reality of Dorian. By informing Basil, Basil begins to think thoughts that he would not normally think. "When I first heard them, I laughed. I hear them now, and they make me shudder" (p.145). Basil loses his individual thoughts as a result of the society's influence. Iago, Lord Henry, Dorian Gray, and the society provide others with negative influence that often leads to their own downfall. By adopting another person's ideas one gives up his or her own individual responsibility because they are not acting as the individual they represent. If another character communicates with Lord Henry, Lord Henry will preach his own ideas to the character and will make him lose his own individual thoughts. By adopting Lord Henry's thoughts, the character will experience the dangers of influence.

Does it or Does it Not? :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To be able to believe that some one or thing exists, it must be a universal idea that others have at least heard of. It also must be tangible to a human being and have some sort of physical evidence or others accounts of evidence to show that it does in fact exist. If the object or person cannot provide hard physical evidence, then how does it get humans such as our selves to believe in them? The answer seems simple enough, faith.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Religion, in general, has been around since human beings have first graced this planet. No one knows exactly how it actually came about, but we know that it is here and still is here today. God may or may not exist. Through the faith of the people He most definitely exists to them. He is praised, worshiped, and glorified by over one billion people through out the world. Those one billion people trust and believe that God exists without having to have physical or logical evidence. They say that through all things God exists. Why? Because supposedly He created all living things on this planet. Scientists, however, have their own idea of how Earth was created. So, how do we know that He truly does exist? We cannot see what He looks like, or what He sounds like. We also do not have records of His birth or death. There are many beautiful murals and paintings of Him through out the world, but which one is He? How can someone devote their selves and time into something they cannot see or hear? It seems like a waste of time to some. To others, religion acts as a crutch for comfort and safety. Some say that he does exist in our everyday lives in everything that we experience. Others, however, believe that He exists in money and say that if people donate money the â€Å"Good Lord† will heal you and love you, but you have to donate some money first before he can do anything. It is sketchy and since when was having faith in God a paid service? Some people only pray for what they need, and sometimes might not even really need it and act as if God is Santa Claus. He is also a crutch for those who are insecure and need to find comfort. Therefor e, meaning that it could be a trick of the mind.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

New Zealands Agriculture Essay -- Climate Environment New Zealand Ess

It is safe to say that New Zealand is largely a farming nation since farming makes up a high percentage of the country's export earnings. The country's climate ranges from regions in the north that are considered "warm subtropical", to "cool and temperate" in the south. These diverse areas allow for numerous kinds of farming which are vital to New Zealand's economy. All over the country there are deer, llama, ostrich, goat, cattle and sheep farms, and though they get no subsidies from the government, they still play a large part in contributing to overseas markets with their beef, wool, dairy products, other meats, hides, venison (from deer), and goat fiber. It is said that there are about 20 times as many sheep as there are people in New Zealand, but since the country has become increasingly more developed in recent years, this figure has dwindled and continues to do so. This is not to say that the development of human civilization in New Zealand is the preeminent concern for threat ening the country’s animal farming industries. In fact, climate change is a greater concern, and if global temperatures continue to rise as they have been over the years, New Zealand ’s animal farms could take a hit. Animal farms aren’t the only widespread economy drivers in New Zealand. In addition to animal farms, New Zealand is also rich with tree farms. This way they can harvest trees for lumber without touching the indigenous forests, most of which are protected indefinitely, like the huge rainforest on the western side of the south island. 30 percent of New Zealand is covered in forest, including both natural and "planted production" forests. This is a large and seemingly healthy percentage relative to most other countries in the world. Sin... ...oxide in the air might actually assist the overall growth of some vegetation. Whether the positive aspects of a warmer climate will prevail over the negative aspects remains to be seen, but it will certainly have an impact on agriculture in New Zealand and elsewhere. Humans have never been in this situation before so it will be something that we surely will find out in the future unless something is done to regulate the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere. Bibliography Jebson, Mike. â€Å"Climate Change and Agriculture and Forestry: Impact on Industries† industries.html Jebson, Mike. â€Å"Climate Change and Agriculture and Forestry: Issues and Responses†

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Craft Era

The first major era is now referred to as ‘craft’ manufacturing and service ‘shop’ delivery. This system was European in origin and linked to the way in which skills were developed: the apprentice–journeyman– master progression, which led to the creation of guilds of skilled people who sought to control the supply of their speciality, and the consolidation of skill within a subsector of society (as, for example, skills were passed on from father to son). This was noted for low-volume, high-variety products, where workers tended to be highly skilled and quality was built into the very process of operations. It was also appropriate for largely national markets, supplied internally with minimal imports and exports. Some craft manufacturing still remains today, in markets where exotic products and services can control demands through some unique feature or high level of desirability. For instance, some house building, furniture making, clock and watch making are still carried out by skilled craftsmen/women working on a single or few items of output at a time. While the processes and techniques used by these craftsmen/women are highly inefficient, the unique quality of their products commands a premium price, as illustrated by the secondhand value of products such as a Daniels pocket watch or a Morgan car. In the case of Morgan, however, it is a mistake to conclude that the passenger car industry might still be able to employ craft production. Morgan is unashamedly part of a sector that is closer to specialist toys than that concerned with personal transportation. It is also the end of a very thin tail, other parts of which (AC, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, etc. have already been absorbed by volume producers, keen to operate in exotic niches for purposes that are closer to corporate advertising than to income generation. In the clothing industry, one significant sector of the industry – haute couture – is based on the craft production approach. In services, the craft era has also continued – perhaps even more so than in manufacturing. The slower pace of change within services derives from the extent to which customer processing operations can adopt new technologies and new systems. Only services that require little skill at the operating level (such as FMCG or petrol retailing) or processing large amounts of information (such as financial services) are significantly different now from what they were like even 30 years ago. Many services such as hotels, schools, hospitals, hairdressers, vehicle repair and transportation have changed very little, despite new technologies. The mass production era The second major era is known as mass production, although once again its principles were by no means restricted to manufacturing. This system grew in North America to accommodate three principal requirements of the developing giant: the need to export, the need to provide employment for a massive, largely unskilled workforce, and the need to establish itself as a world player, which meant infiltrating other regions with ideas clearly associated with the USA. In short, the Americans could not play by the European rules, so they reinvented the game: innovating by destroying the competitive position of craft production. The system was massively successful and changed the working and buying practices of the world in the first three decades of the twentieth century. In order to sell the standardized products made by standardized operations practices, mass production had to standardize the market requirements too. Fortunately, the market was immature and would do what it was told to do. Thus, mass production reversed the paradigm of craft production: volume was high with little variety. The marketing ploy (and the resultant manufacturing strategy) was exemplified by Henry Ford’s famous declaration, from now on, ‘a customer can have a car painted any colour he likes, as long as it is black! ’ In mass production, workers were typically unskilled. This was the era owing much to the contribution of F. W. Taylor’s Scientific Management, whereby workers had very narrowly defined jobs, involving repetitive tasks, and quality was left to ‘quality experts’ at the final stage of the overall process rather than being an integral part of operations at each step (Taylor, 1912). Taylor enabled firms, for the first time, to control costs, times and resources, rather than rely on skilled craftsmen and women to decide what was appropriate. Coupled with the developments made in mechanization and employee co-ordination during the European industrial revolutions, Taylor’s ideas provided an entirely different way of operating. In 1926, Encyclopaedia Britannica asked Henry Ford to christen his system and he called it mass production. He meant ‘mass’ in the sense of large volume production. Perhaps he did not see the other meaning of mass as ‘heavy and cumbersome’, which is what the system turned out to be (in terms of management systems and superstructure), once the market no longer bought what it was told. These principles originating in the 1920s were slow to be adopted in services, but by the 1970s, Ted Levitt, from Harvard Business School, was able to identify the ‘production-lining’ (Levitt, 1972) of service and the ‘industrialization’ (Levitt, 1976) of service. He cited fast food, the automatic teller machine (ATM) outside banks and supermarket retailing as examples of this. Schmenner (1986) coined the phrase ‘mass service’ to exemplify this type of service operation. More recently, the aspects of working life that are typical in this mass production context have been extended to life in general by Ritzer (1993), who refers to it as the McDonaldization of society. The shift from ‘craft’ marketing to marketing in the mass production age is clearly demarcated by the publication of Levitt’s (1960) article in the Harvard Business Review entitled ‘Marketing myopia’. In mass production, customers bought what was supplied; producers concentrated on keeping costs, and hence prices, down, and focused on selling to customers through aggressive advertising and sales forces. As organizations were product-led, operations management was relatively straightforward. Mass producing goods at the lowest cost meant minimizing component and product variety, large production runs and scientific management. The success of Ford made this view highly persuasive. In 1909, the Model T automobiles were sold for $950, but by 1916, following the introduction of the assembly line, it had fallen to $345, and three-quarters of the cars on American roads were built by Ford (Bryson, 1994). However, as Levitt (1960) pointed out, Ford was eventually outstripped by General Motors, who were not product-led but market-led. They gave customers what they wanted – choice, model updates, a range of colours (not just black! ). The symbol of this age is the brand. Originally (in the craft era) the brand was a mark on the product, often a signature – for example, on a painting – or symbol, signifying its ownership or origin. But in mass production the brand took on far more significance. It became the means by which one product (or service) could differentiate itself from a competitor’s product (or service). Procter & Gamble set up brand managers in 1931 to sell their different soap products. Later the brand also became a guarantee of product/service quality. Kemmons Wilson’s motivation in 1952 to open the first Holiday Inn hotel was his own disappointment with the ariable standards and sleaziness of the motels he stayed in whilst on a family holiday. The success of delivering a consistently standard level of service resulted in Wilson opening one hotel every two and half days in the mid-1950s. But by the 1990s, brands had come under threat. Markets are highly fragmented, the proliferation of niches makes target marketing more difficult, product and service life cycles are shortening, and product/service innovation is quicker than ever before; increasing customer sophistication has reduced the power of advertising. As a result, a more holistic view of operations management is required, as Crainer (1998) suggests: Companies must add value throughout every single process they are involved in and then translate this into better value for customers. This is because the modern era has brought profound changes in operations management and operations has to be at the heart of successful strategic thinking.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Biography of Narendra Modi: A Political Phenomenon Essay

Narendra Damodardas Modi, popularly known as Narendra Modi is the current Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat and the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2014 general elections. He was selected by L.K Advani, the leader of the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) in 2001 to give a direction to the election campaign in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. Mr. Modi was elected as Chief Minister of Gujarat on October 7th, 2001 and is the longest serving Chief Minister of the state. In the 2012 Gujarat legislative assembly election he won his fourth constituency term as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. A career that started as an errand runner for the RSS (Hindu Right wing group) is now perhaps on the way to reaching its zenith. Yes, Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi has walked quite a distance wearing unflinching confidence on his sleeves. The Gujarat Chief Minister and BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate is a fascinating case study as the man opens up equal number of avenues for his critics as well as admirers. The man is admired for his economic policies and growth scenario in Gujarat, but he also bears flak for the dismal state of the Human Development Index in Gujarat. As the pendulum of the verdict sways to and fro for him, let’s have a deeper look into Narendra Modi’s biography. Humble Beginnings The idea of struggle was never very distant for Modi. He used to run a tea stall till the time RSS inducted him as a full-time member. With whatever minimal training he received from the party’s associates, he surged ahead and exhibited enough capability to be given the charge of the ABVP (the student wing of RSS). His diligence and dedication towards the party hardly ebbed despite the fact that he was simultaneously pursuing a Master’s degree in Political Science. This ‘average student’ from Vadnagar tutored himself to take greater steps on a national level. Family Although there isn’t enough about Modi’s personal life in the public domain,  the political discourse sometimes throws up bits of facts and stories. He was born into a middle class family of six in Vadnagar in Mehsana District (then Bombay state) to Damodardas Mulchand Modi and Heeradben Modi. He was bethrothed when quite young, but chose to walk away from the marriage and has remained a bachelor. Early days in Politics Narendra Modi was drawn to politics in his early teens and was a member of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS). During the 1960’s India-Pakistan war, even though he was only a young boy, he volunteered to serve soldiers traveling through railway stations. As a youth, he became a member of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, a student body involved in anti-corruption. After having worked full time with them, he was then nominated as its representative in the BJP. Modi was also a campaigner in the RSS during his years in college and took on the task of encouraging the party members. Partnering with Shankersingh Vaghela, Modi began a strong cadre base in Gujarat. Narendra Modi has come from a humble background and is known for his simple lifestyle. He has a reputation of being a workaholic and introvert. Mr. Modi has tried to change his image from that of a Hindu Nationalist politician to that of a sincere administrator. The party began getting political attention and formed a coalition government in April 1990. After this, the BJP came to power in Gujarat in 1995. During this period, Modi was responsible for the Somnath to Ayodhya Rath Yatra and a similar trek from Kanyakumari in Southern India all the way up to Kashmir in the north. A careful observation of his rise to the national podium would evince how he remained glued to his fundamentals – continuing agitations during the nationwide Emergency, organizing Murli Manohar Joshi’s Ekta yatra (journey for unity), and impressing everyone with electoral strategy ahead of the 1995 state elections. As BJP tasted victory, Modi relished his newly ordained post of the party’s General Secretary. The workaholic and loyal ‘sevak’ moved to New Delhi to take up the new responsibility of managing the  party’s activities in Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Three summers whizzed past and Modi already had the post of National Secretary of the BJP under his kitty. First Stint as Chief Minister of Gujarat Times were turbulent in Gujarat with allegations of corruption and poor governance doing the rounds. After Shankarsingh Vaghela left the BJP, Keshubhai Patel was made Chief Minister of Gujarat and Modi became General Secretary of the party in Delhi. Weak handling of the effects of the Bhuj Earthquake in 2001 prompted the BJP’s national leaders to seek a new candidate as chief minister, after the removal of Keshubhai Patel. In October 2001, Modi was brought in to fill the vacuum and made Chief Minister of Gujarat despite his lack of experience in governance. Initially, the BJP was not very keen on having him at the forefront and the party was contemplating the position of deputy CM for him, which he refused. He wrote to Advani, and the then Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, stating that he was either â€Å"going to be fully responsible for Gujarat or not at all†. In July 2007, he became the longest-serving Chief Minister in Gujarat’s political history. In the Gujarat legislative assembly elections of 2012, Narendra Modi won the constituency of Maninagar over the Indian National Congress, with a majority of 86,373 votes. The BJP won 115 out of the 182 seats and formed its government in Gujarat. This was Narendra Modi’s fourth term as the Chief Minister. The following year in March, he was appointed as member to the BJP Parliamentary Board which is the highest decision-making body of the party. He was also nominated as a member of the party’s Central Election Committee. Taking Tough Calls His rift with the VHP started to show after his much-criticized decision of demolishing 200 illegal temples in Gandhinagar. This was just the trailer. Modi was also vocal about PM Manmohan Singh’s reluctance to revive anti-terror laws. He called for invoking tougher laws in states following  the 2006 Mumbai blasts. Time and again, he has judiciously chosen issues to pontificate and attack the central government. In the wake of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, Modi brought up the issue of security along Gujarat’s coast. The UPA government acted upon this immediately and sanctioned construction of 30 high-speed surveillance boats. Recently, he came down heavily on the Central government for its weak approach towards Chinese incursions in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh and infiltration by Bangladeshis on the Indo-Bangladesh border. Criticisms The Modi government came under bitter criticism following the 2002 Gujarat riots that betrayed the prevailing communal harmony within the state. Investigations were ordered into alleged abetment of crime. Modi’s image suffered a quake as a common consensus was established that pointed fingers at the chief minister for allowing communal violence in the state. Some demanded his prosecution for promoting enmity among different communities during the riots. His way of functioning has also been the topic of much debate in the political arena with commentators and subject-matter experts lambasting him for carrying the DNA of fascist leadership. His critics call him a self-centered autocrat who doesn’t care a hoot about the BJP. The Gujarat chief minister finds himself in the bad books of analysts as he is also accused of twisting facts to suit political motives on more than one occasion. In June 2013, when Narendra Modi’s was appointed as the chairman of the national campaign committee, L K Advani submitted his resignation escalating his objection against Modi’s appointment. But the BJP leadership remained rigid on its choice to put Modi in front of 2014 campaign. A self-made man Besides being a revered orator and a prolific writer, he is also a caring son and a man with his brand of humour. Those who have associated with him for long are of the opinion that the idea of power is exciting to him. Next time you wonder how he could garner so much of national attention, think of this. He underwent a rigorous training in the US on public relations and image  management. When it comes to taking lessons on brand building, Modi says there’s no greater inspiration than Mahatma Gandhi. His eulogies about Gandhi come from the fact that â€Å"He spoke of Ahimsa but carried a stick. He never wore a cap but the world wears a Gandhi Topi.† Modi’s careful metamorphosis from a Hindutva party man to a pro-development leader and change maker speaks volumes for his image-building ability. His 2-year long escapade into the Himalayas and co-mingling with the yogic sadhus gave him a fair understanding of Hinduism. That partly explains why people listen to him in rapt attention when he talks of ideologies. Face of Development – Favorite among the leaders of India Inc. Modi frequently refers to his P2G2 (Pro-people good governance) formula to substantiate his claims on holistic development. Some observers are of the opinion that Gujarat has been able to improve its agricultural output despite being a semi-arid state. The credit is given to the Gujarat government’s measures to scale up groundwater projects and initiatives to increase the use of micro-irrigation. India Inc. is almost unanimous in their verdict. They want Narendra Modi as the next PM. Reason? They seek a strong leadership that has a clear roadmap and actionable plans ready for execution. Indian business leaders from Ratan Tata to Mukesh Ambani seem to be convinced that for India to come out of its Gross Domestic Paralysis, a visionary and decisive leadership is essential. Empirical evidence suggests that Gujarat has been able to position itself as a lucrative destination for investment. Under his aegis, according to a political commentator, the level of corruption receded and technology parks have seen the light of the day. His iconic call for â€Å"Minimum Government and Maximum Governance† has frequently struck the chord with the masses. With so many brand images of Narendra Modi existing in a juxtaposed manner, it is to be seen which one suits his greater agenda and helps him in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

As You Show Sow U Ripe

This proverb has great significance in every day life. It means as the action is, so is the result. A good action has a good result, and an evil action has a bad result. A result is the natural fruit of man's action. Happiness or misery in life depends upon the deeds of man and neither any accident, nor a mischance is responsible for our troubles. Grapes cannot be gathered from thorny bushes. If you sow wheat, what harvest you can expect. It is thus the man who is responsible for his failure. In the golden period of youth, if you sow the seeds of idleness, bad habits, you will reap nothing, but misery, hardship and humiliation: but if you sow the seeds of industry, patience, strong will, life will be bright and fruitful. The actions of man shape his life to come. So everybody must beware that he builds his future life in the right way. So let our field of life be strew with the seeds of virtue and good deeds, so that we may reap a rich harvest of happiness here and here after. As you sow so shall you reap’ is a proverb which means that actions or deeds of a person repay him/her in kind. Origin of the proverb is traced to the Bible, Galations VI (King James Version): Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. To understand the proverb better, one has to know the meanings of terms used in the proverb and relevance of such words with the actions and results. Seeds are the grains of a crop harvested at the maturity of the crop. These seeds are sown in the field to multiply them through reproduction. If seeds are healthy, these will produce healthy plants and they will produce a good crop. Contrary to this, if one sows weak and diseased seeds, there are chances that plants emerging from these seeds will be weak and diseased as well. Our actions and deeds are alike seeds. If one sows seeds of grasses, one shall harvest the crop of grass and not a cereal crop like wheat or rice. He has to sow seeds of wheat or rice to harvest the grain or cereal crop. Law of the Karma stipulates if a person is spreading happiness through charity and kind it means he is sowing the seeds of happiness that will produce the fruits of happiness. This simply means that good things happen to those who do good work and bad things happen to people who indulge in doing bad things always in their lives. You can read here a very interesting story of a rich and beggar who were destined to heaven and hell as per their deeds after their death. I read a good article wherein author disagrees with the popular saying. Author visited an old age home and found several old people suffering physically and emotionally. These people kept themselves busy for earning and caring for their children, they got neglected by the children and even tortured to such an extent that they have to take shelter in old age home. This is true that this is the story of betrayal by their own children but they are themselves responsible for their fate. In most of the cases, these people were busy. This is a proverb from the bible. Man is responsible for the effect of his actions. If the action is based on goodness, it will churn out only goodness in the long run. If the action has been evil, the outcome also tends to be evil. The Holy Gita and Koran also emphasize the same. Goodness is the child of good deeds and misfortune and calamities are the children of evil. If we do good, even if it doesn’t yield proper results immediately we can certainly expect goodness out of it in the future. This wants us to check our actions whenever they tend to be evil or harmful to others. Besides, good deeds endow us with a clear conscience thus making our lives smooth and cheerful. In short goodness will always bear goodness in our life. As you sow, so shall you reap† As the saying goes, â€Å"As you sow, so shall you reap,† we will be rewarded or punished according to the good or bad deeds that we do. We all know that we cannot escape from the law of nature. Sowing and reaping, are part and parcel of the law of nature. If we sow good seeds in our lives , we will get good results. However, the reverse will happen if we decide to take the wrong way. To study or work honestly, and diligently is one way to sow good seeds. In order to get good results, we need to work really hard. We must not be lazy and must not have the spirit of procrastination, because when you procrastinate, you will not finish the work that you are supposed to finish on time. We also need to be and have the spirit of honesty and diligence. When you do all these things correctly, you will succeed in your work. You will get good results which will make you and the people around you happy. You will also live a good life in the future. Sowing and reaping are not only for the students, but also for working people. There are many of them who have succeeded and there are many people who have failed. Those people who have succeeded in their work, excelled in their studies when they were younger. Those people who failed to succeed simply sowed bad seeds when they were younger. For example, nowadays teenagers take drugs, and when they take drugs, hundreds of cells will die and they will feel very weak. This will lead to a chain of negative events. If they are weak, they cannot concentrate on their studies. In no time, they will soon reach a working age but, the rude awakening is that they will find that no job awaits them except for menial jobs.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Life Essay

Everyone seems to ask themselves what do they really want from their life? What are we all really striving for? While people should ask themselves what can they do to help others? When a person helps other they meet their physical and emotion need. Helping others also brings compassion and compassion equals a better society. From a person coming from a rich family they have more opportunities open to them to achieve what they want. While a person from a poor family doesn’t have the â€Å"easy life† compared to the person from the rich family. A person coming from a poor family has to go through more obstacles, and struggles to achieve what they want. When you actually make that goal it feels you up with joy. My father works two jobs and is still struggling to pay the bills. One of my goals is to have a stable career so that neither my mother and father have to worry about paying the bills on time. I would like to be a major league baseball player or a successful entrepreneur in the music business. At the beginning of each goal you will always set unrealistic standards that you slowly but surely can adjust to become realistic. For now, my first major goal in high school is to recive a 3. 5 or higher. With that, good grades are necessary and I would, or rather, I will maintain As, and Bs in all of my classes. I believe with god grades I can accomplish much mre in life and have more opportunities. Followed up by that I would like to of course, graduate high school and set myself ready for whatever comes next in my life. And this would be entering a university of my choice such as Florida state university. I would like to be able to graduate high school with good grades and a high GPA to give me the opportunity to choose what university I would like to attend instead of having to settle for less. With major goals there also comes minor goals. My first minor goal is to be a good student. I would like to actually get along with my teachers and be able to comfortably communicate with them. With respect like if they were any other person. Throughout my years in school I’ve learned that teachers are not only there to teach but their here to help and id very much like to have the opportunity to be helped by people who care and who can help me stay on the right track. My goals are set and I plan on achieve them no matter what because I never give up on a plan that I set myself up and that I know that I will do well in. I Study whenever I get the chance to achieve my goal for a Gpa of 3. 5.  I also train everyday whether I’m at practice or not so I can have an advantage over the other players because I work harder and have more dedication to the sport that I love to play. I’ve dedicated my heart into baseball because I’ve been playing it since I was in elementary school I was raised to never give up on your goal and to fulfill it to the very end. I feel that I am the perfect man for the job and I would be very grateful if you gave me the opportunity to have this job. I am a hard worker I will stay on top of my work and do everything on time and will never slack off.

What are the TWO most important things we need to create, and what are Essay - 1

What are the TWO most important things we need to create, and what are the TWO most important obstacles we need to overcome, in dealing with the digital divide - Essay Example consists of the people who have effective access to computer and information technologies and second category comprises of those who do not have accessibility to such resources. There is no doubt that digital technologies and computer have revolutionized the human life largely (Dickard & Schneider, 2002). The paper emphasizes on the importance of equal distribution of resources in all segments i.e. race, education, socioeconomic status etc. Other factors that affect digital divide are existing social economic cultural and learning inequalities. In purview of the complexity of the issue, US federal and state government, internet and computer industry have formulated various focused strategies to spread computer and internet accessibility to every individual. Education is probably the most important issue that affects the ability to gain from technology and minimize the issue of digital divide at greater extent. Generous quantum of time and financial resources are required to provide quality computer education to children at schools and especially to those students who do not have facility of computer at their homes. In this article, Harouna Ba (2009) also explains and throws light on the generalized access model consisting of four universal categories. This model includes technology for disabled people, youth development plans to boost youth leadership, research policies and youth media. Moreover, the introduction of home level programs is mandatory to educate society to its. Another significant thing, on which we need to exercise our focus, is formulation of product and services design industries. The prime drivers of this mission includes the goal of widening and extending the use of internet by developing alternative designs, maintaining lower cost of computing and technical training, and easy accessibility of the training institutes (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, 2000). These procedures are most likely to help making technology designs and

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Research professional associations specific to your career field or Assignment

Research professional associations specific to your career field or industry - Assignment Example For the nearly two and a half years I have been associated to this group, we have been meeting 2-3 times a month mostly on Saturdays. Every meeting has a structured format, which also runs between 3-3 hours, with a number of members taking part in the diverse roles, in the meetings. We are normally 39 members at our club. Membership is open to every individual above the age of 18 and hoping to enhance their leadership and communications skills. This organization has helped me a lot enhance my veterinary technician career. I learned through the organization that people who have better communication skills stand a good chance of getting better jobs compared to people who have the required academic qualifications, but poor communication skills. My days at this organization have greatly shaped my communication skills. At least I can stand in front of a group of people and offer a clear presentation and they understand. Two years back this was merely impossible. We are located in California State, Rancho Santa Margarita, and you can reach us at 1-646-558-5908. You can also visit our website @

Monday, August 12, 2019

Overdosed America The Broken Promise of American Medicine Essay

Overdosed America The Broken Promise of American Medicine - Essay Example To keep the lid sealed on this corruption of medical science-and to ensure its translation into medical practice-there is a complex web of corporate influence that includes disempowered regulatory agencies, commercially sponsored medical education, brilliant advertising, expensive public relations campaigns, and manipulations of free media coverage. And last, but not least, are the financial ties between many of the most trusted medical experts and medical industry". I choose this quote because it encapsulates the scope of this book. Overdosed America, by John Abramson, M.D. is a thought-provoking and riveting assessment of health care and the corruption thereof in America. Pointing to evidence which is concrete and shocking, we are forced to wonder what else is out there that we do not know about. We wonder how mistaken we are to put so much trust into the hands of doctors and the medicines that they peddle. He does not write the book in an attempt to sell a blockbuster best seller. Rather, he wants integrity to return to the field of medicine in a country that can well afford it. This book makes me wonder who is leading who. I had no idea that the majority (80 percent) of clinical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies. How does that amount to honest statistics There is an enormous conflict between the pharmaceutical companies and their influence over the studies that are conducted. Moreover, a tremendous amount of the studies which are reported in medical journals are not complete so not only are we as consumers being duped but so are the people that we rely upon to save our lives! For example, Dr. Abramson detected the frequent use of overblown statistics guaranteed to scare people into a life-long drug regimen. When the New England Journal of Medicine published a study about a new, inexpensive blood test designed to measure blood levels of inflammation in the body called C-reactive protein, or CRP, which supposedly can predict a person's risk of heart disease. The study followed 28,000 women over eight years and found that those with the highest CRP levels were more than twice as likely to develop heart disease. The study's authors concluded that identifying people with elevated CRP would allow "optimal targeting of statin therapy." Simply stated, it was a way to identify future customers for cholesterol-lowering drugs. A closer look at the statistics from this study showed that the 28,000 female participants were less than 55 years old and healthy. Their risk of heart attack, stroke, etc. was quite small. For "every 1000 women with the highest CRP levels, there was only slightly more than one (1.3) additional episode of cardiovascular disease each year than among the 1000 women with the lowest CRP levels." In other words, the twice-as-likely-to-develop-heart-disease statistic boiled down to a doubling of odds that were tiny to begin with! "The public needs access to independent expert opinion that can counterbalance the enormous influence that the medical industry wields over our beliefs about the best approach to health and medical care," writes Dr. Abramson. Indeed, Dr. Abramson clearly suggests that a regimen that has been promoted forever is still the best means by which to keep heart disease. Dr. Abramson promotes that regular exercise, smoking cessation, and a healthy diet accomplish more than just about every medical

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies Essay

Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies - Essay Example However, certain revisions are to be made to overcome the problem situation through modification of the leadership styles and changing the ways of managing people. The recommendation for the same covers areas of appropriate leadership style for Vidsoft, the expected changes in the attributes of a leader, and some of behavioural changes in the leader. Steps that could have been taken by Babatunde for avoiding the situation Although it is crucial that Babatunde, being a leader empowers his people through the sharing of his power among team members and enhancing their feelings of personal effectiveness, too much reliance on the decision of team members must not be entertained. At present, Babatunde is seen to be representing the ‘country club’ leadership style according to the Managerial Grid presented by Blake and Mouton, and shown in the following figure. Figure 1: Managerial Grid by Blake and Mouton (Source: University of Kentucky, 2011, slide-19) According to the countr y club style of leadership he has been showing high concern for people, showing support and warmth towards followers, maintaining good relations with them, showing respect to their feelings and being sensitive to their needs. These attributes get reflected through the fact when he chose to allow Hsu to present his grievances against his decisions. Firstly this was allowance for Hsu to refuse to comply with his decisions. Hsu’s request to refuse to report to Li and further to be transported to a different support group which was supporting another product line shows an attempt to go against or flout the decisions that had been taken. His deepest for... Today, Vidsoft Technologies is an internet company which develops softwares for meeting the procurement needs of customers. The company has been known for its high quality of service delivered to customers through a culture of teamwork, cooperative efforts, collaboration and solidarity among organization employees. However, the researcher mentiones that along with the growth of the organization, it has been confronting with leadership issues which are summarized in the following section. Technical Support Manager at Vidsoft initially applied his management style having a micro-management attitude where all his efforts went towards performance and success of the entire team. However, as number of team members kept growing, this management style felt short and it was increasingly difficult collaborating efforts and attaining a common consensus of all individuals in the group. Secondly, Babatunde’s leadership style represents a participative form of management style in which he a llows participation of group members in the decision making process of the company. Thirdly, it is Babatunde’s decision to assign responsibilities for managing one of the product lines is not accepted by all, he does seem to be depicting a strong support over own decisions. Lastly, the researcher recommends that the leadership style of Babatunde could be focused on inspiring and motivating them to support the management’s business decisions rather than trying to gain the staffs’ approval for every decision making.